School of Yoga, Meditation & Self-Inquiry

Our Curriculum


Our Curriculum

hatha yoga - dynamic method

  • Asana (Stillness), Pranayama (Breath), Vinyasa (Rhythm), Bandha (Integration) Drushti (Presence)

  • Core Actions: Lengthening and Broadening (discover what actions are universal and must be taken to be stable and at ease in each posture)

  • Method of Teaching: How to language, organize and disseminate lessons to public classes.

  • Joint Anatomy and the Spiral Body

  • Pranayama, Meditation and Kriyas

vinyasa krama

  • Vinyasa Krama and the Arc of Vinyasa Krama

  • Spinal Planes of Movement

  • Foundations

  • Principles of Sequencing


  • Teaching Protocol

  • Practice Teaching: receiving feedback, observing others teaching and hearing/giving feedback. Also includes assisting students while someone else is teaching.

  • Principles of Demonstration, Observation, Assisting/Correcting

  • Prenatal and Special Populations

  • The Business Aspects of Teaching Yoga, Ethics of a Yoga Teacher


  • Education vs Transformation

  • A short History-Origins of the 5 elements/tech

  • The 5 techniques

  • Organs of Action

  • The 8 limbs

  • Afflictions of the mind

  • Definition of asana

  • Pranayama defined

  • Body mind connection/nervous system

  • The Sutras

  • The Gunas

  • Meditation vs Contemplation

  • The Gita

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Bonus - Private Training Site

We have a private training site for our all of our teacher training programs. We video record each intensive, so in addition to your online manual, you have access to lectures, sequences, practices and more on the site. This resource also allows you to continue growing your knowledge via the digital platform in between your intensives. The site is also used for homework assignments, and being in touch with the program faculty. 

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What you will get from your training

  • Training with Master Teachers

  • A world class program

  • A deepened understanding of Yoga

  • Support faculty

  • A foundational personal practice

  • Confidence stepping into a yoga studio as a teacher

  • The ability to ask the questions, "who is here for their first time, who has injuries, who is pregnant?" and know exactly what to do

  • The ability to create elegant sequences

  • The ability to sequence on the spot, if needed

  • The ability to teach without practicing, allowing for more presence and support for the class

  • The ability to make modifications and adjustments without breaking the flow of class

  • Private training site

  • Comprehensive 200hr Yoga Teacher Training Workbook and Manual

  • Upon completion, a Radiant Life School 200hr Certificate

  • The ability to register with the National Yoga Alliance