School of Yoga, Meditation & Self-Inquiry

Dates &Tuition


Dates and Tuition

200 Hour Mini-Immersions

Join us for four mini-immersions that take place over the course of the year.  The 200 Hour Mini-Immersions give you the opportunity to totally focus on training for four consecutive days but then give you time in between intensives for practice teaching and integration of material learned during the retreat.  

2022-2023 St. Thomas, Virgin Islands


Intensive #1 November 10-13, 2022

Intensive #2 JANUARY 19-22, 2023

Intensive #3 MARCH 16-19, 2023

Intensive #4 MAY 18-21, 2023

*Each retreat will take place for 4 days Thursday to Sunday. 

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What You Will Get from Your Training

  • Training with Master Teachers

  • A world class program

  • A deepened understanding of Yoga

  • Support faculty

  • A foundational personal practice

  • Confidence stepping into a yoga studio as a teacher

  • The ability to ask the questions, "who is here for their first time, who has injuries, who is pregnant?" and know exactly what to do

  • The ability to create elegant sequences

  • The ability to sequence on the spot, if needed

  • The ability to teach without practicing, allowing for more presence and support for the class

  • The ability to make modifications and adjustments without breaking the flow of class

  • Private training site

  • Comprehensive 200hr Yoga Teacher Training Workbook and Manual

  • Upon completion, a Radiant Life School 200hr Certificate

  • The ability to register with the National Yoga Alliance

Course Fee

$2850 for 200 hours of face-to-face teacher training time.  

Full tuition is due 15 days prior to start date.  

  • $350 deposit to be paid upon acceptance.

  • If payment per intensive is requested and accepted, intensive fee is $775 per and must be paid 15 days prior to each start date. 

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