School of Yoga, Meditation & Self-Inquiry

Private Mentoring

Private mentoring for wellness and yoga professionals in the US Virgin Islands


Embodied Presence Program

For yoga teachers and other healing professionals

Embodied Presence is a journey towards deep Self-Connection so that you can then take your Presence into facilitation with students and clients

Do you long to inspire powerful transformations in your clients and students? 

Are you ready to expand your practice by deepening your spiritual impact on your clients and students?  

Do you desire greater awareness, clarity and flow in your own life?


Our Presence is the greatest gift we have to offer.  Learning to live and facilitate in a state of Presence so that we are connected to our deepest wisdom allows us the opportunity to hold the space for others to know the Truth of their deepest wisdom.  As yoga teachers and healing professionals, we are guides and mentors.  We have the opportunity to make a great impact in the awakening of our students and clients.   

Embodied Presence is a journey towards deep Self-Connection so that you can then take your Presence into facilitation with a students and client leading them to the Truth of their wholeness and wisdom.  

Through this program you will learn to:

  • Cultivate deep levels of self-awareness, including somatic exploration, recognition of feelings and underlying needs/values

  • Explore and address your patterns of thoughts, judgments and core wounds

  • Embody feelings/emotions and learn to release those held in the subconscious 

  • Create daily practices to assist you in cultivating greater levels of Presence to take with you throughout your day and life

  • Move into a state of Embodied Presence when facilitating with a student/client

  • Recognize when you have been triggered, learn to self-empathize so that you are not projecting onto your clients/students, and practices to return to a state of Presence

  • Offer empathy and inquiry to clients from a state of Presence so that you are pointing the student/client back to themselves

  • Tools for compassionate communicate

  • Create ritual and practices to assist you in stepping into Presence before facilitating



Authentic Self Journey

Your greatest gift to the world and your true power lie in the discovery of your authentic self.

Do you feel like there’s more that you’re meant to bring to the world through your gifts and talents?  But you feel stuck in the complexities of your life?

Do people tell you how lucky you are?  And yet inside you feel like something is missing?

Is there an incongruency between how your life looks from the outside and how it feels to you?

Passion, freedom & joy spring from a life lived with authenticity & integrity.

Inside of you lies your Authentic Self… Your Unique Blueprint… a special combination of qualities, talents and gifts exactly like no other.  You may not be aware of the existence of your Authentic Self… or you may know it’s somewhere inside of you because you’ve felt it before, experienced it in some way…  but perhaps you do not know how to access it.

Your greatest gift to the world and your true power lie in the discovery of your authentic self.

Together we will access the deep wisdom and unique gifts that you hold within yourself to be taken into your personal life, professional life and in service to the world.  We will identify and deconstruct programs, patterns, beliefs, and agreements that are preventing you from accessing the true source of your power and gifts- your Authentic Self.

We will then begin the process of integration.  We will examine your life with deep discernment and determine how to bring all parts of your life into alignment with your Authentic Self.

Upon registering for this mentoring package, you will be held in an energetic container that opens you to potentials for your life’s highest unfolding.
