School of Yoga, Meditation & Self-Inquiry




Learn to surf or take your surfing to the next level.

IF YOU’VE NEVER SURFED BEFORE, Adilia and her team will teach you exactly what you came for- how to ride waves! During your time with us, you’ll receive daily professional surf instruction from our all-female coaching team of dedicated wave warriors. Core elements include theory, demonstration, feedback, and of course lots of surfing. With decades of experience, we understand that effective surf instruction comes from creating a fun, simple, and safe environment in which the student feels confident to push their limits. Core skills are taught step-by-step with a focus on creating a solid platform from which our guests can leave confident of safely tackling the ocean on their own.

In order to develop a solid foundation on which to build it’s crucial that the basic skills of surfing are taught thoroughly and effectively. However, the Surf Bikini instruction program doesn’t just stop there.


IF YOU’RE READY TO TAKE YOUR SURFING TO THE NEXT LEVEL, our professional surf coaches will work closely with you to plan, develop, and implement a customized daily game plan to keep you moving on up.

A critical and hugely effective component of our surfing curriculum is the daily one-on-one feedback sessions between our coaches and students. These personalized sessions are designed to convey precise, detailed feedback on the subtle yet fundamentally essential small details of form. These sessions include advice on stance, and placement and movement of one’s arms, head, and shoulders while riding a wave. Although such info may sometimes seem unimportant to beginners, it is this detail-rich feedback that will lay the cornerstone of good technique, consequently allowing the student to keep progressing long after their stay with us at Surf Bikini Nosara.


You will receive:
• Daily professional surf lessons- custom designed to match your ability and fulfill your goals
• Daily assessment and feedback from certified surf coaches
• One video analysis session from our certified surf coaches
• Photo shoot to capture your finest surfing moments
• Surfboard and all equipment



Throughout this week, we will assist you in uncovering your Empowered Self… the part of you who is ready to stop playing small… the part of you who is ready to express your unique greatness in the world, to thrive, and to live passionately!

We will assist you in identifying the stories, thoughts and beliefs that you have attached to and that limit you. We will teach you techniques to release these limitations, to change the narrative and to tune into your intuition, so that you may move towards authenticity, passion and freedom…. So that you can create the life you truly want.

We will explore your fears and how they show up in your life. We will guide you to expanding your comfort zone and finding your growing edge so that you can create your best life.


yoga, meditation & breathwork

Through daily yoga, meditation & breath work we will assisting you in tapping into your intuition and connecting with the deepest, wisest part of yourself. It is in this place that you will find your Empowered Self… the part of you ready to live with passion, joy & freedom.

Through asana (posture) and meditation, we will teach you to train your awareness, to practice focus and concentration so that you may access your full presence and states of high creativity & flow. You will learn how the breath, body, and awareness are linked. You will learn breath practices to consciously direct your energy and awareness. You will experience mindfulness and meditation practices that you can take home with you to assist you in establishing a meditation practice or to enhance your current practice.


You will practice posture (asana) to assist you in freeing the body from tension, creating space and flexibility, as well as bringing awareness and cultivating core stability… all of which will improve your surfing.
Whether you are brand new to yoga or are a long-time practitioner, we will use the Path of Yoga as a to support you in this transformational journey, supporting you in Body, Mind & Spirit to access your great potential.