School of Yoga, Meditation & Self-Inquiry


We are a school of transformation, yoga, teacher training, and meditation workshops based in the U.S. Virgin Islands


We are a school of transformation

We believe that a Radiant Life is your birthright… and that Self-Knowledge is the key to unlocking your highest potential.   

Through teacher trainings, retreats and workshops based on the paths of Yoga, Meditation & Self-Inquiry, we assist individuals in discovering the Truth of their Wholeness.

We also know from experience that part of the human experience involves forgetting our True Nature, and that thriving in life is not always our experience. We take on roles, beliefs, and identities… confusing them with our True Being.  Each role, belief and identity that we attach to shrouds our Authentic Self and prevents us from sharing our highest unique expression with the world.  And sometimes we need a little help remembering. 

Radiant Life School serves as a home for Remembering. We are a community of seekers… seeking to know ourselves deeply and to support others in knowing themselves.  We exist to serve the awakening of humanity by awakening ourselves understanding that as we, as individuals, grow and evolve, that we then lead our families, communities and the world to a better place. 

Truly the greatest gift we have is our own awakening.

In service of such Remembering, we offer the paths of Yoga, Meditation & Self-Inquiry to guide you back to your Authentic Self.  These paths are designed to illuminate the deep Wisdom and Knowing that have always, and will always, be deep inside of you. 

Radiant Life School was founded by Laura Castillo Nagi in service.  Laura has made her home the beautiful U.S. Virgin Islands. Teacher trainings, workshops and retreats are held in the U.S. Virgin Islands and internationally.  

Radiant Life is a home for inquiry, authentic connection, and community offering the opportunity for deep Self-knowing and Transformation in an environment where you can truly be yourself, be vulnerable, learn, and expand. 

we invite you to come home to your self. There you will find the answers you seek.



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200 hour Yoga Teacher training

We believe that the path of yoga is the path of leadership. And that as we, as individuals, grow and evolve, that we then lead our families, communities and the world to a better place.  Truly, the greatest gift we have to offer the world is our own awakening.   

At the 200 hour level, we teach you what is foundational to all of the styles of yoga you may encounter or have an interest in teaching, which means a thorough grounding in the five techniques of Hatha Yoga: stillness (asana), rhythm (vinyasa), breath (pranayama), integration (bandha) and presence (drushti).  

We are an affiliate school of Circle Yoga Shala School. 

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500 hour yoga teacher training

Radiant Life School is an affiliate school of Circle Yoga Shala.  As part of this lineage you have the opportunity to continue your advanced yoga teacher training at the 500 hour level and to continue on to become a professional Yoga Therapist accredited by the International Association of Yoga Therapists. 

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Our retreats are consciously crafted to inspire restoration, play and adventure to nourish the Body, Mind, and Spirit.  On retreat we are in the sacred flow, using the outer adventure to places such as Bali and Costa Rica, reveal to us our inner exploration.  Gathering with like minded individuals and stepping away from the day-to-day of life, we immerse ourselves in Self-Inquiry & Self Care to recharge and nourish ourselves. 

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mentorship for Yoga teachers & wellness professionals

Do you long to inspire powerful transformations in your clients and students? Are you ready to expand your practice by deepening your spiritual impact on your clients and students?  Do you desire greater awareness, clarity and flow in your own life?

Embodied Presence is a journey towards deep Self-Connection so that you can then take your Presence into facilitation with a students and client leading them to the Truth of their wholeness and wisdom.  

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Meet Laura Castillo Nagi & Holly Krepps, faculty for the 200 hour yoga teacher training.  Laura is founder of Radiant Life, E-RYT 200, RYT 500 Hr, Meditation Teacher, Wellness Consultant, and Lifestyle & Empowerment Coach.  Holly is Co-Founder & School Director of Circle Yoga Shala, C-IAYT, and Consultant for Olympic Athletes.

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Yoga foundations & philosophy

The philosophical basis of our teaching comes from "East Meets West":  The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Pancha Maya (Kosha) Model, the Five Elements, The Kleshas, The Gunas, Ayurveda, and the Enneagram, as well as evolutionary psychology, neuroscience and bio-mechanics.

Hatha Yoga- Dyanmic Method.  Asana (Stillness), Pranayama (Breath), Vinyasa (Rhythm), Bandha (Integration) Drushti (Presence).

Viyasa Krama. The Arc of Vinyasa Krama, Spinal Planes of Movement, Foundations, Principles of Sequencing

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Be the change you wish to see in the world.
— Mahatma Gandhi


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